Yesterday we had covered guide Backhand and how to scroll. Now here we learn how to hit a backhand properly and can produce a good punch. Such techniques forehand, and note the positions at the moment the ball off of the opponent's racket.
Do the above then the backhand grip, while you move towards the ball, move your Racquet back with your left hand on the neck of the racket, turn your shoulders to the left. When you're close to the ball, take a position ready to hit with a heavy charge your body at the back of the leg and walking your right he left sideline kea.
When you're ready to do this stroke, the right foot you should be approximately 60 cm. closer to the left sideline than your left leg, your right shoulder should be rotated so that the back is almost directly lead to the net, and your weight should be placed on the back leg. Both knees should be bent (right knee bent than the left knee). As in his short-lived low forehand, if you have to bend the knee lower to reach the ball. Do not try to scoop out the ball with the Racquet head is how to lose.
With the racket is held parallel to the baseline and your right hand on the height equal to the waist, begin twisting the body to the right, while your left hand to release the racket, Racquet moves to the next level with the ground, the body rotates forward and the weight shift to walk ahead. The racket was rocked play, hitting a tennis ball with the surface of perpendicular field roughly 30 cm. in front of the waist to the right, and swing with a sweeping motion, a bit up in motion the follow-up through seamlessly.
At the end of the follow-through, your right arm should be completely through the right shoulder and at a height equal to the head. Topspin generated reasonably by the swing of the arm, wrist and tend to spin at racquets was rocked forward. You have to act carefully, so that the handling and your wrist remains strong at the time of backhand stroke. If not, this shot will fail.
Backhand Chop
This technique is often called a backhand slice, but because the technique involves a movement the racket down instead of to the side, maybe the chop is a more appropriate name.
Like the forehand chop, backhand chop should be viewed as a complementary shot for the backhand drive, i.e. a way to confuse opponents with spin. This technique should not be used too often.
Does the continental grip like the forehand chop? Put your legs and your body as on the backhand drive, but tilt your wrist upward so that the racket head approximately shoulder height. The hand holding the racket money should be as high as the waist, while the left hand holding the Racquet's neck as on the backhand drives.
The swing is done towards the bottom; with a surface of racket remain skewed upward because of the position of the wrist which is tilted upwards. The wrist remained tilted during the stroke, thus causing the strings of the racket to hit the ball from the ground when swinging a racquet up and produce a backspin. Follow through done little or fleeting, with the racket stopped swinging when the racket is in front of the right knee.
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